Operation go Back Home!

Yesterday, we celebrated the end of the winter season, and the start of spring. It is supposed to get warmer, and I thought today there would be some sunshine so I can wash my clothes, but I opened my windows and f!, all gray, with mists hanging above the ground, sneaking between the branches of the trees and swirling around the clothes hanging on the neighbors wire, more like a scene in some ghost film. At least it isn’t as cold as it was just last week, it’s only 11 degrees. :-)

Well, now I’m in the mood of going back home. I got the contract from Goteburg today, and I have to do this film before January next year, which means I have to leave Nepal by August, no options, no matter what my current contract or employers say, I have to go back home and start making Felistas into a living creature.

Yet when I look through my pockets, well, it’s not so encouraging. I still have to buy the dSLR camera I’ve longed for – maybe I should sell off my old laptop and the lousy canon sx200 – but I don’t like selling off stuff for I’ll never get the price I think they are worth.

Whatever, I’m now in the moods of going back home, because now there is something waiting for me there. Something as sexy as Felistas!

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